Adding Paper Software as a Trusted Publisher

If you require Word add‑ins like Contract Tools to be signed by a trusted publisher, you should add Paper Software to lists of trusted publishers.

To add Paper Software to lists of trusted publishers using Group Policy, you can use a certificate that you export as a file; see Distribute Certificates to Client Computers by Using Group Policy to learn more. To export a certificate from PaperSoftwareContractTools.msi (available at as a file named PaperSoftware.cer, open PowerShell in a folder that contains PaperSoftwareContractTools.msi, and then enter:

$installerPath = '.\PaperSoftwareContractTools.msi'
$certificatePath = "$((Get-Item $installerPath).DirectoryName)\PaperSoftware.cer"
$certificate = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature $installerPath).SignerCertificate
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($certificatePath, $certificate.Export('Cert'))

You can also add Paper Software to a list of trusted publishers by entering in an administrator PowerShell:

$computerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
$installerPath = '.\PaperSoftwareContractTools.msi'
$store = New-Object Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store(
  "$computerName\TrustedPublisher", 'LocalMachine')
$store.Open('ReadWrite, OpenExistingOnly')
$store.Add((Get-AuthenticodeSignature $installerPath).SignerCertificate)

Note: You can change the value of $computerName to the name of another computer to add Paper Software to lists of trusted publishers remotely.