Configuring Contract Tools License Server

You configure Contract Tools License Server by editing the XML file configuration.xml in the Contract Tools License Server folder. Here are the default contents of configuration.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bind port="4"/>
<lease length="1800"/> <!-- seconds -->
<log file="Contract Tools License Server.log" level="notification"/>
<isgenuine days_between="90" grace="14"/> <!-- days -->
<cpu threads="0"/> <!-- 0 means one child thread per CPU core -->
<proxy url="http://username:password@"/>
<scgi just_scgi="false">
  <bind address="" port="42"/>

You may need to change the port attribute of the bind element in line 3. You generally don’t need to change anything else.

<bind port="4"/> sets the port on which Contract Tools License Server communicates. You also use this port to configure Contract Tools; see Connecting to Contract Tools License Server to learn more. Using default settings, Contract Tools License Server communicates on port 4.

<lease length="1800"/> sets the amount of time a license provided by Contract Tools License Server to Contract Tools is valid. Using default settings, licenses are valid for 1800 seconds (30 minutes), and Contract Tools will begin attempting to extend the duration of its license when about 15 minutes remain. You can use a minimum time of 30 seconds, but short times may increase traffic on your network to an unacceptable level.

<log file="Contract Tools License Server.log" level="notification"/> sets the path of the file to which Contract Tools License Server logs messages and the verbosity level of these messages. If the value of the file attribute is a relative path, the log file is placed relative to Contract Tools License Server.exe. The value of the level attribute can be, in order of increasing verbosity, error, warning, or notification. Using default settings, messages are logged in a file named Contract Tools License Server.log in the same folder as Contract Tools License Server.exe, and this file contains errors, warnings, and notifications.

<isgenuine days_between="90" grace="14"/> sets the number of days between Contract Tools License Server’s periodic verifications of your license server activation key. Using default settings, the number of days is at least 90 and at most 104. The value of the days_between attribute can be any whole number up to 90, and the value of the grace attribute can be any whole number up to 14.

<cpu threads="0"/> sets the number of child threads Contract Tools License Server spawns. If this number is 0, Contract Tools License Server spawns one child thread per CPU core. Using default settings, if your computer’s CPU has 8 cores, Contract Tools License Server will use a total of 9 threads.

The proxy element in line 9 and the scgi element in lines 12–14 are in comments because they’re optional. Use a proxy element and set its url attribute to a value appropriate for your proxy to allow Contract Tools License Server to verify your license server activation key through a proxy. Use an scgi element to configure Contract Tools License Server to communicate using HTTPS; visit to learn how.